Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bali dreaming

One of the reasons for our February jaunt to Bali is to check out the Green School
Part of our constantly renegotiated plan for having an awesome life is to move to Bali for a year. The current plan variation is to do this when DS is 5. He would go to the Green School, I'd work part time in a hospital or cushy international meducal clinic, DH could work wherever we were as long as we found fast internet, and we'd live in a bungalow with a pool and eat Nasi Campur and Gado Gado all day :) Solid plan hey??

Green School is the only school I've found so far that I'm happy with. I want to avoid the praise/punishment, over control, gender segregation and sterotyping, competiveness (grading and ranking, competitive sport etc) over emphasis on academia, lack of individual expression, strict uniform and lack of contact with children from diverse racial and socioeconomic backgrounds that is common in most schools.
Who wouldn't want their child to go to a school that 'provides a traditional academic focus with experiential, environmental and entrepreneurial learning along with our Green Studies and Arts programs,' is made from 98% sustainable materials, on a 10 hectare property on the Ayung River in a tropical paradise??
As well as being surrounded by interesting children from diverse backgrounds (including 10% Balinese children, paying very low fees) this is a school that teaches children about environmental and sustainability issues and if thats not enough, it has it's own rainforest yoga studio!

And how great is the school motto?
'The eight Green School iRespect Values that guide us are: Integrity, Responsibility, Empathy, Sustainability, Peace, Equality, Community, Trust.'


The vows

So, as part of our wedding vows DH and I promised to have a life of adventure. Terrified of an average suburban rat race existance, we vowed to do it differently and asked everyone there to remind us of our vows if we were ever found to be pouring over dishwasher catologues, watching neighbours or polishing our cars. If we ever started manicuring our lawn, it would be a clear reason for divorce as life had clearly not worked out as planned.

 Since our DS (now 3) was born we have been to Woodford Folk Festival (with our 3 month old,) Peats Ridge Festival, Wollombi Music Festival, Cairns twice visiting friends, Vietnam for 3 weeks, a 2 month Kombi road trip through the desert to the Northern Territory and an outer Vanuatu island for 3 weeks. We have camped with our little babe in a tent, spent 2 months living in a Kombi, camped under the stars in the desert, swam in hot springs, hiked through Nitmiluk National Park with a 10 month old on our back, bathed him in buckets, had a gastro inflicted 1 year old in hospital in Vietnam, been crock spotting in Far North Queensland, cooked over campfires, kayaked (pregnant) through pitch dark underground caves in Vanuatu (with 2 year old DS strapped to our back, wondering where exactly the line between adventure parents and stupid parents was,) hiked up a waterfall and swam in cold rock pools in Vanuatu, swam and snorkeled with turtles in deserted got-to-be-photoshopped beaches, driven around islands in old WW2 army jeeps... but we're still feeling kind of suburban.

Since DD (7 weeks) was born, I've had super itchy feet. I've been trying to entice DH to temporarily give up the rat race and go on a family adventure. Getting carried away with tales of riding through Mongolia on horses, or living in the tiny ashram in Gangotri India that we love, buying a big fuck off 4WD and camper trailer set up and exploring Western Australia, I bore him with my visions of endless sunsets, surfing, cooking on campfires, breaking our kids out of the suburban existance I'm so scared will be ingrained in them for life, he's still not convinced
So we've made another family promise - that we'll go camping once a month. Get out in the bush, or beach, or at least the bloody backyard and teach the kids to make a fire, cook something burnt and ashy and watch the stars.
We're also shooting off to Bali in Feb, for our third visit, but first with little people. Help me to resist the terribly average resort-kids-club-buffet option and go on a real adventure
In the meantime you'll find me in the 'burbs, juggling two kids, cooking delicious healthy food for my family, washing nappies and dreaming of the wide open road :)